GM Yasser Seirawan and Yaacov Norowitz, the top two seeds in the group of 200+ players in the traditional 9-day schedule, drew their game last night allowing IM Salvijus Bercys and reigning Oregon champions Steven Breckenridge to climb into a four way tie for first place. GM Dmitry Gurevich heads a seven-player pack lurking a half point behind with three rounds to go in the 2012 U.S. Open Chess Championship. The 113th annual event is currently underway at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Vancouver, Washington.
Denker High School Champion Atulya Shetty of Michigan is leading the six-day schedule after five rounds with a perfect score, a half point ahead of GMs Alejandro Ramirez and Alexander Shabalov, Andrew Ng and local favorite Igor Ummel of Washington.
Through six rounds in the traditional schedule:
1 GM Seirawan, Yasser WA 2674 5.5
2 Norowitz, Yaacov NJ 2569 5.5
3 IM Bercys, Salvijus NY 2479 5.5
4 Breckenridge, Steven OR 2349 5.5
5 GM Gurevich, Dmitry IL 2539 5.0
6 IM Mulyar, Michael A CO 2456 5.0
7 WFM Labedz, Patrycja Anna TX 2329 5.0
8 Sinanan, Joshua WA 2259 5.0
9 Cheng, Kun Jack, Jr BC 2156 5.0
10 Cooklev, Steven IN 2124 5.0
11 Tobin, Sean OR 2025 5.0
Northwest players at 4.5 – 1.5:
Prochaska, Peter OR 2200
WFM Airapetian, Chouchanik WA 2155
Chan, James BC 2151
May, Andy P WA 2121
Kleist, Frederick K WA 2098
Robinson, Gary D OR 1880
Standings after 3 rounds in the 4-day standings:
1 GM Hoyos, Manuel Leon MEX 2679 3.0
2 GM Bykhovsky, Anatoly ISR 2653 3.0
3 GM Diamant, Andre BRA 2573 3.0
4 IM Sarkar, Justin NY 2483 3.0
5 FM Bryant, John Daniel CA 2455 3.0
6 Shvartsman, Andrew NJ 2343 3.0
7 FM Roper, David WA 2288 3.0
8 Griggs, Walker Kyle OH 2268 3.0
9 Pamatmat, Jarod M TX 2233 3.0
10 Gallegos, Paul A CA 2213 3.0
Link to the USCF cross tables.
Gary Dorfner’s third U.S. Open update:
Wed. Quads had only 14 players in 5 quads. A player in
Quad #4 dropped out & there were only 3 players in
Quad #2. The winners were:
Quad #1 Nicholas Karas fro CA. 3.0 $50.00, Quad #2
Jon Haskel from FL. 3.0 $50.00, Quad #3 Boas Lee
From WA. 2.5 $50.00. Boas won the Mon. Quad,
Did poorly in the Tue. Quad but came back & won
The Wed. Quad.
Quad #4 Tanish Kothapalle from TN. 3.0 $50.00,
Quad # 5 Jon Eikenberry from Or. 3.0 $50.00.
Eikenberry & Gary Dorfner were paired in R-3,
They each had 2 points & so they were battling
It out for the prize money.
Game 15 Championship report
38 players took part in this event. The winners were:
1st-2nd Andre Diamant from Brazil/MO Vitaly Neimer from Israel/MO.
4.5 $342.00 each, U2100 Nikolay Bulakh from Wa., Yifei
Han from BC, Michael Goffe from Or. & Zhaozhi Li from
IL. 3.0 $37.00 each.
U1800 Kristen Dietsch from Wa. 3.0 $152.00,
U1500/Unr. David Griffin from Wa. , Dillon Murray from
OR. & Jeremy Harlin from Wa. 2.0 $41.00 each.
Under 1200 Kannan Nagarajan from FL. & Nicholas Wong
From Hi. 1.0 $38.00 each.
Thursday Quads
15 players participated in two 4 player Quads & a Mini Swiss.
The winners were: Quad #1 Nick Raptis from Or. 3.0 $50.00,
Quad #2 Harry Heublum from NY. 3.0 $50.00, Mini Swiss
1st Jake Winkler from OR. 3.0 $50.00, 2nd Adam Culbreth
From OR, Tanish Kothapalle from TN. & Nicholas Wong
From HI. 2.0 $8.33 each.