Tag: Porland Chess Club

  • Report on Portland CC March Quad 45

    From Portland CC website. Report by the TD. Quad 45 (March 18): This month the time control at the Quad 45 was changed from G/45;d15 to G/45;inc15. As far as we can tell, this is the first ever regular rated PCC tournament that used increment. There were several ideas behind switching from delay to increment.…

  • Portland CC May G/60 Results

    8 from Washington State took part in the monthly G/60; d5 4 round event at the Portland Chess Club on May 18. Michael Morris of Portland handled the TD tasks. Two players finished with 3.5-5, Nick Raptis of Portland and Vlajko Lakic of Vancouver WA. They drew with each other in round 4. Two players scored…